This email was sent to me:
Greg, do you know when Petsmart was founded? I'm looking at some charts online about the price of their shares over the years and I went as far back as 10 years(that's as far back as AOL will let me go without making a custom chart), however, there was a huge decline between '99 and '01 and I didn't know why. What I'm asking is have they been around, been public, for ten years or did they just recently spin off of a larger company in '99? (I guess the dip started in '97 actually) If they spun off of a larger company in '97 or '99 then that would explain why the stock market value of their shares was so low otherwise it seems rather peculiar.
Here's my reply:
Without looking at a chart, I would say that the dip is probably due to the stock market bubble bursting in the same time frame that you mentioned. It was a recession. Heres the deal though....they were making cash when the economy wasn't. People were not spending money on anything except for their mortgages and pets. Look at their earnings. They kept making money.
The stock was undervalued for the longest time because analysts just missed it. They didnt catch it. Its a pet company, who would have thought they were 80% of analysts say to buy it....(I bought at 18 and 25...and probably will again soon).
Sometime around 2001 they revamped their stores and were widely successful in it.
Here's why I like them:
Dominance: They are an oligopoly with Petco...Petco is very strong too, and noone else can enter anytime soon. Pets have become like kids to many people in the last 5 years.
Management: They do everything right...(e.g. revamping their stores, adding VERY high margin services such as pet grooming and instore vets and pet insurance).
Cash Flow: They make a ton of cash, even when the economy wasnt.
I sent a 2nd reply shortly thereafter:
i love PETM....they have almost as much cash as they have total debt....they have substantially more current assets then TOTAL debt.
I dont care that the stock price dropped. Everyone was wrong! Stock price short term (less than 3 years) is more psychological then it is financial.
PETM does everything right! and they are just getting bigger and stronger...I could go on and on about why I think PETM is good. I've been saying all this when I bought them at 18.....(I bought and hyped up cendant back when they were at 11, 1.5 years ago, go see what they're at now....and i want to buy more of them too) Bottomline is I have smoked the hell out of the S&P over the last 7 years....I am a good guesser when it comes to this stuff. .....noone ever listens to me though.
UPDATE 06/29/04: Well, PETM is down 1.25 (which is 3%) as of right either they are on sale, or everyone is selling based off of my post from last night.