Support Our Troops
Do you want to vote for someone who is a blatant hypocrite? George W. Bush is asking us to Support our Troops. What is the best way to support our troops? How about getting them out of harm's way. Get them out of a war that they should not be in under any pretenses. If George W. Bush wants to support our troops (including my brother and cousin and friend's fiance and people you know) than he will not vote for himself. If he does vote for himself than he does not support our troops and is a liar.
To steal a line from Eminem "We live in a Democracy of Hypocracy."
Why is it that they have to use Terrorists to scare us? I am more scared of walking in Ferguson (5 miles from where I live) at night then I am of a terrorist. Aren't the media and politicians the terrorists? They are the ones terrorizing us. Is this any different than the Cold War?
I am tired of this. We are led by bullies, liars, and money mongers who make money off of us dying and crying. Money is made off of oil. Oil that kills our land and air and water. Money is made off of drugs not getting brought to market, or drugs getting brought to market that shouldn't be (and I don't mean Vioxx, that drug should have never been taken off the market). Money is made off of war. OFF OF WAR!
If I don't like it, why do I live here....? That thought goes through my mind more and more often the further we get in war. I can deal with corporate america raping us. Every country does that. But when we think we are the best, but are nothing but insecure whores with power, it makes me want to cry. My love for my family keeps me here, but for how long?
I hate to say it, I really do....but please vote for Kerry. He is clearly a douche bag, and will be no better than a below average leader.....but he hasn't started a war that is in no ways justifiable. Why can't Bush just admit he was wrong and leave?
So go buy your damn yellow ribbons and yellow ribbon corporate america can get rich off of people dying, and so the world can see that you support a man who is too inept to run a sno-cone building.