A close friend asked me why gas costs so much right now.
My first answer is probably the first answer of every American. Because of the turmoil in the mideast right now.
....and that is right. Gas costs so much because we accept the high gas prices...because we think they should be high because of the turmoil in the mid-east.
But put down your anger. Its not the Arab's faults that gas cost alot. They are merely following what we are selling them: freedom. Freedom to partake in supply and demand.
But our politicans are playing to our fears. They have to, it keeps them rich and in power.
I am here to use their words against them.
Click here, than come back to my blog.
The MidEast produces a combined 21.76 million barrels of oil a day. wow!....don't say wow. North America produces 15.66....which is not too far off. In fact Non-Opec countries produced 33.81 million barrels a day! The U.S., Canada, and Russia produce more than all the Mid East countries combined.....and you know Russia needs money, and thus will sell it cheaply.
Arabs are not the problem.
YOU are the problem for not voting for better leaders. Americans are the problem. We are why gas prices are high. We're too stupid to realize they shouldn't be high!
Vote Independant. They don't have the power to let us continue to get raped by our elected officials.