Open Message to "You"
You are smarter than me.
You are more knowledgable than me.
You have more experience than me.
You are more athletic than me.
You are more open minded than me. I wish I was as open minded as you.
You understand things that I think that I understand.
You are a better writer than me.
You have a larger vocabulary than me.
Your grammar is better than mine.
You are better looking than me.
You have better luck with the ladies than me.
You have more money than me.
You are funnier than me.
You are more gregarious than me.
You can cook better than me.
You are more clean than me.
Things that seem like common sense to me, really are for you.
You are never wrong. I always am.
You have traveled more than me.
My house is crappy.
You were brought up wealthier than me. (I was brought up poor, my mom made my clothes).
You are more humble than me.
You are more reasonable than me.
You are better than me at everything.
You are smarter than me.
I firmly believe all of the above. I can not be(at) "you." Why must you argue with me so much. Why must you try to prove to yourself and anyone around any of the above? You know its true. Thats why you feel the need to tell me.
Am I a confident person. Hell yes. You have everything on the above list. But you will never outwork me. You will never try more than me. I am proud of me. I have earned and worked at everything I have and know. I don't have or know as much as you, but what I have is mine. It was easy for you, or maybe you tried a little bit. But I am confident, because I am proud. I am ambitious, because I have earned ambition.
I just want to be the best me. I am who I am. And its all I'm ever going to be.
Can't you just get along with me? Will you always misunderstand me?
Please quit arguing with me. You win. You always have.