Looking at things from different angles
I sent this email to the mayor of my city:
Would you like a way to keep higher income and educated people from moving out of Florissant....and attract businesses and higher income and educated people to move to Florissant?
It would cost next to nothing to provide all of Florissant with hi-speed wireless internet access. Google is doing it for their city. Why not have Florissant do it for ours?! I know you're thinking that you won't get the citizens to back it...but alot of us are already paying 50 bucks a month to get high speed internet through charter/aol/sbc....but its not wireless. Imagine the productivity that could be had in Florissant if we could carry laptops whereever we go and be connected to the internet. Imagine the businesses that will come to Florissant solely for this reason. Imagine all the people (students) that don't have access to the internet who would now be able to.
Its great for all....and much less expensive than you think. WiFi is just like cordless phones...just put small powerful hubs every so many miles away (at each public building!). If you want Florissant's citizens to grow, and its economy to grow, why not be the first city (aside from Mountain View) to do this?
Google is doing it.
And it is very inexpensive! read google's letter to their city. (click on the "download file")
If you decide you want to keep higher income and educated people from moving out of Florissant....and attract businesses and higher income and educated people to move to Florissant, than I'd be more than happy to get involved.
Thank you, and have a great day!
Feel free to copy this and email it to your mayor....let's try to speed up innovation.
Wifi How To,Start Guide will help you
Wifi Alliance, non profit international association formed
Wifi Antenna, your wireless network or connect to other wireless networks .
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